Ha Long Bay ⛴️

Ha Long Bay has been one of my lifetime bucket list items. We spent 3 days and 2 nights in a ‘junk’ boat floating through the UNESCO World Heritage site.

Our time was jam packed with activities but I would recommend everyone to go visit!

To begin, here is our ‘junk’ boat the UniCharm. I would say ours was a medium sized boat, there were some smaller and lots bigger that were fancy yachts.

Here was our room for the two nights. Don’t worry, with the glass bathroom walls you’ll never miss a view!

We had a dining level where we enjoyed three meals a day, buffet style. Lots of seafood of course because this is about as fresh as it gets! We also enjoyed a spring roll cooking demo and happy hour in the evenings.

There was a beautiful deck at the very top. We had very overcast weather which made it a little cold but still very enjoyably. (Later we were grateful for the cloudy weather with all the strenuous activities we did)

Our trip took us through Ha Long Bay, Lan Ha Bay and Cat Ba Island. With it being off-season and going further out into the bays, we enjoyed relatively private settings. For our excursions we would take a smaller boat and pass by the fishing villages. This is still a very active fish farming area; from oysters, clams, pearl farms, etc.

We were lucky to get one evening where the sun peaked out and we saw a little bit of blue sky, it made for the most beautiful photos and serene setting!

The best thing to do at this time with the sun out, was to jump off the back of the boat and swim!

All the activities we did will be on a separate post but for now, please enjoy the million photos of the limestone rocks because I had a hard time picking the best!


  1. I had looked at this post a couple of days ago, but got sidetracked and then some…
    Absolutely stunning scenery!! The water looks so tempting and each rock more special than the last.

  2. So.freaking.cool!! Gotta add this to my list whenever I get to Vietnam!

  3. WOW, absolutely amazing ! You guys are living the life. It looks like you guys had the boat to yourselves 🙂 The scenery is out of this world. Some of those photos will have to become prints, maybe a nice metal print for your house. Can’t wait to see what all you were up to while on the boat.

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